a lot / alot / allot

a lot / alot / allot
  A lot, meaning a large amount or number of people or things, can be used to modify a noun.
  For example:-
  "I need a lot of time to develop this web site."
  It can also be used as an adverb, meaning very much or very often.
  For example:- "I look a lot like my sister."
  It has become a common term in speech; and is increasingly used in writing.
  Allot is a verb, which means to give (especially a share of something) for a particular purpose:-
  For example: "We were allotted a desk each."
  ♦ !Note - Alot does not exist! There is no such word in the English language. If you write it this way - imagine me shouting at you - "No Such Word!"

English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words. 2014.

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  • a lot / alot / allot —   A lot, meaning a large amount or number of people or things, can be used to modify a noun.   For example:    I need a lot of time to develop this web site.   It can also be used as an adverb, meaning very much or very often.   For example: I… …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • a lot / alot / allot —   A lot, meaning a large amount or number of people or things, can be used to modify a noun.   For example:    I need a lot of time to develop this web site.   It can also be used as an adverb, meaning very much or very often.   For example: I… …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • allot — allottable, adj. allotter, n. /euh lot /, v.t., allotted, allotting. 1. to divide or distribute by share or portion; distribute or parcel out; apportion: to allot the available farmland among the settlers. 2. to appropriate for a special purpose …   Universalium

  • lot — /lɒt / (say lot) noun 1. one of a set of objects drawn from a receptacle, etc., to decide a question or choice by chance. 2. the casting or drawing of such objects as a method of deciding something: to choose a person by lot. 3. the decision or… …  

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