decision vs division

decision vs division
  Decision is a noun
  It can be used to describe a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.
  For example:-
  There are many decisions we have to make before we choose a new word for this section of the website.
  It can also be used to describe the action or process of deciding something or of resolving a question
  For example:
  After a long discussion we made the decision to close the forum, because it had been badly spammed.
  Divison is also a noun with more than one meaning.
  It can describe the action of separating something into parts, or the process of being separated.
  For example:-
   The division of the country caused new problems.
  It is also used in mathematics.
  For example:
   In elementary maths divisionor /) is an arithmetic operation.

English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words. 2014.

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  • decision vs division —   Decision is a noun   It can be used to describe a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.   For example:   There are many decisions we have to make before we choose a new word for this section of the website.   It can also be used …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • decision vs division —   Decision is a noun   It can be used to describe a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.   For example:   There are many decisions we have to make before we choose a new word for this section of the website.   It can also be used …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

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  • division — [ divizjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1120; lat. divisio, onis 1 ♦ Action de diviser; état de ce qui est divisé (rare en emploi concret).⇒ dis ; tomie. Division d un corps en plusieurs parties. ⇒ bipartition, coupure, déchirement, fission, fractionnement,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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