stationary vs stationery

stationary vs stationery
  Stationary means not moving.
  For example: "The car was stationary."
  Stationery is the collective noun for the items needed for writing, such as paper, pens, pencils and envelopes.
  For example: "It is the secretary's job to order the stationery?"
  !Note - If you have problems with these two words, just remember - 'e' is for envelopes and 'a' is for automobiles

English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words. 2014.

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  • stationary vs stationery —   Stationary means not moving.   For example: The car was stationary.   Stationery is the collective noun for the items needed for writing, such as paper, pens, pencils and envelopes.   For example: It is the secretary s job to order the… …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • stationary — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not moving. 2) not changing in quantity or condition. USAGE Take care to distinguish between stationary and stationery: stationary is an adjective meaning ‘not moving or changing’, whereas stationery is a noun meaning ‘paper and… …   English terms dictionary

  • stationary — adjective 1》 not moving. 2》 not changing in quantity or condition. Origin ME: from L. stationarius, from statio(n ) (see station). Usage The words stationary and stationery are often confused. Stationary is an adjective which means ‘not moving or …   English new terms dictionary

  • stationary, stationery — Stationary is an adjective meaning having a fixed or unmoving position, not moving : This huge rock is stationary. For a week, the stock market has been almost stationary. Stationery, a noun, means writing paper and envelopes. The word has been… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • stationary — stationary, stationery Stationary is an adjective and means ‘not moving’ whereas stationery is a noun and denotes paper and writing materials. Both words are derived from the Latin word stare ‘to stand’. The relevance of this to stationary is… …   Modern English usage

  • stationery — stationary, stationery Stationary is an adjective and means ‘not moving’ whereas stationery is a noun and denotes paper and writing materials. Both words are derived from the Latin word stare ‘to stand’. The relevance of this to stationary is… …   Modern English usage

  • stationary / stationery —    Stationary means still and unmoving : The cat was stationary until it was time to pounce on its prey.    Stationery refers to writing materials such as paper: Craig took out his best stationery to write to his beloved Charlotte Russe …   Confused words

  • stationary / stationery —    Stationary means still and unmoving : The cat was stationary until it was time to pounce on its prey.    Stationery refers to writing materials such as paper: Craig took out his best stationery to write to his beloved Charlotte Russe …   Confused words

  • Stationary — can mean: In statistics and probability: a stationary process. In mathematics: a stationary point. In mathematics: a stationary set. In physics: a time invariant quantity, such as a constant position or temperature. In physics: a steady state… …   Wikipedia

  • stationary —  , stationery  The first means standing still, the second is writing paper and envelopes …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

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