overrun vs run over

overrun vs run over
  Overrun is a verb.
  It can mean to spread over or occupy (a place) in large numbers.
  For example: If bin collections do not improve we could be overrun by rats.
  It can also mean, to conquer or occupy a territory by force.
  For example: The enemy had overrun the country during the first half of the war.
  Run over is a phrasal verb.
  It can mean to collide with, knock down, and even physically go over someone or something.
  For example: The child was run over by the car.
  It can also mean to go beyond a time limit.
  For example: Presentations would often run over due to bad moderating.

English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words. 2014.

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  • overrun vs run over —   Overrun is a verb.   It can mean to spread over or occupy (a place) in large numbers.   For example: If bin collections do not improve we could be overrun by rats.   It can also mean, to conquer or occupy a territory by force.   For example:… …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

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  • overrun — [ō΄vər run′; ] also, and for n.always, [ō′vər run΄] vt. overran, overrun, overrunning 1. to run or spread out over so as to cover 2. to infest or swarm over, as vermin, or rove over and ravage, as an invading army 3. to invade, defeat, or conquer …   English World dictionary

  • Overrun — O ver*run , v. t. [imp. {Overran}; p. p. {Overrun}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Overrunning}. ] 1. To run over; to grow or spread over in excess; to invade and occupy; to take possession of; as, the vine overran its trellis; the farm is overrun with witch… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Overrun — O ver*run , v. t. [imp. {Overran}; p. p. {Overrun}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Overrunning}. ] 1. To run over; to grow or spread over in excess; to invade and occupy; to take possession of; as, the vine overran its trellis; the farm is overrun with witch… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • overrun — [v1] defeat, invade beat, clobber, drub*, foray, inroad, lambaste, lick*, massacre, occupy, overwhelm, put to flight, raid, rout, swamp*, thrash, trim, whip; concepts 86,95 Ant. lose, surrender overrun [v2] infest, spread over; exceed beset,… …   New thesaurus

  • overrun — v. /oh veuhr run /; n. /oh veuhr run /, v., overran, overrun, overrunning, n. v.t. 1. to rove over (a country, region, etc.); invade; ravage: a time when looting hordes had overrun the province. 2. to swarm over in great numbers, as animals, esp …   Universalium

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