pass away vs pass out

pass away vs pass out
  Pass away is a phrasal verb. It is used when someone dies.
  For example:- After a short illness, he passed away peacefully in the night.
  Pass out is also a phrasal verb, but it is used when someone faints or loses consciousness for a short time.
  For example:- It was sweltering and she passed out from the heat.
  Pass on is sometimes used instead of pass away.
  Pass out is also used to describe graduation after Royal Marine Commando training.

English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words. 2014.

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  • pass away vs pass out —   Pass away is a phrasal verb. It is used when someone dies.   For example: After a short illness, he passed away peacefully in the night.   Pass out is also a phrasal verb, but it is used when someone faints or loses consciousness for a short… …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • pass out — {v.}, {informal} 1. To lose consciousness; faint. * /She went back to work while she was still sick, and finally she just passed out./ Compare: GIVE OUT(3). 2. or {slang}[pass out cold] To drop into a drunken stupor; become unconscious from drink …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pass out — {v.}, {informal} 1. To lose consciousness; faint. * /She went back to work while she was still sick, and finally she just passed out./ Compare: GIVE OUT(3). 2. or {slang}[pass out cold] To drop into a drunken stupor; become unconscious from drink …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pass\ out — v informal 1. To lose consciousness; faint. She went back to work while she was still sick, and finally she just passed out. Compare: give out(3) 2. or slang pass out cold To drop into a drunken stupor; become unconscious from drink. After three… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • pass out — Synonyms and related words: be consumed, be drunk, be gone, be intoxicated, black out, bow out, buy it, cash in, cease, cease to be, cease to exist, check in, check out, circulate, come across with, crap out, croak, decease, deliver, deliver over …   Moby Thesaurus

  • pass — [n1] opening through solid canyon, cut, gap, gorge, passage, passageway, path, ravine; concepts 509,513 Ant. closing, closure pass [n2] authorization, permission admission, chit*, comp, free ride*, furlough, identification, license, order, paper …   New thesaurus

  • pass — pass1 [pas, päs] n. [ME pas: see PACE1] a narrow passage or opening, esp. between mountains; gap; defile pass2 [pas, päs] vi. [ME passen < OFr passer < VL * passare < L passus, a step: see PACE1] 1. to go o …   English World dictionary

  • out — [out] adv. [ME < OE ut, akin to ON út, Ger aus < IE base * ud , up, up away > Sans úd , L us(que)] 1. a) away from, forth from, or removed from a place, position, or situation [they live ten miles out] b) away from home [to go out for… …   English World dictionary

  • pass away — {v.} 1. To slip by; go by; pass. * /We had so much fun that the weekend passed away before we realized it./ * /Forty years had passed away since they had met./ 2. To cease to exist; end; disappear; vanish * /When automobiles became popular, the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pass away — {v.} 1. To slip by; go by; pass. * /We had so much fun that the weekend passed away before we realized it./ * /Forty years had passed away since they had met./ 2. To cease to exist; end; disappear; vanish * /When automobiles became popular, the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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