altogether vs all together

altogether vs all together
  All together(adv) means "together in a single group."
  For example: The waiter asked if we were all together.
  Altogether(adv) means "completely" or "in total ".
  For example: She wrote less and less often, and eventually she stoppedaltogether.
  ♦ !Note To be in the altogether is an old-fashioned term for being naked

English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words. 2014.

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  • altogether vs all together —   All together(adv) means together in a single group.   For example: The waiter asked if we were all together.   Altogether(adv) means completely or in total .   For example: She wrote less and less often, and eventually she stoppedaltogether.… …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • all together — all together, altogether These are often confused, because their meanings encroach on one another. All together means ‘everyone together’, and the word all is usually removable without damaging the syntax or affecting the meaning: e.g. • One… …   Modern English usage

  • all together / altogether —    All together is applied to people or things that are being treated as a whole: We always had fun when we were all together. To double check this usage, try separating the two words: We all had fun when were together.    Altogether is an adverb …   Confused words

  • all together / altogether —    All together is applied to people or things that are being treated as a whole: We always had fun when we were all together. To double check this usage, try separating the two words: We all had fun when were together.    Altogether is an adverb …   Confused words

  • all together — See altogether, all together …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • altogether, all together — The first of these look alikes means wholly, completely : He was not altogether pleased with his new car. Altogether also has the specialized meaning of in all or all told : Six men altogether volunteered for the mission. In the altogether is an… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • all together — adverb 1. all at the same time (Freq. 1) Let s say Yes! all at once • Syn: ↑all at once 2. used of a group whose members acted or were acted upon collectively and when all and together can be separated by other words they were herded all together …   Useful english dictionary

  • all together — adverb altogether …   Wiktionary

  • altogether — ► ADVERB 1) completely. 2) in total. 3) on the whole. ● in the altogether Cf. ↑in the altogether USAGE Note that altogether and …   English terms dictionary

  • altogether — /awl teuh gedh euhr, awl teuh gedh euhr/, adv. 1. wholly; entirely; completely; quite: altogether fitting. 2. with all or everything included: The debt amounted altogether to twenty dollars. 3. with everything considered; on the whole: Altogether …   Universalium

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