all right vs alright

all right vs alright
  All right has multiple meanings. It can mean ok, acceptable, unhurt.
  The single word spelling alright has never been accepted as standard.
  However in a search on Google you'll get around 68,700,000 hits for alright and 163,000,000 for "all right". So, it might become a respected alternative spelling. Personally I have no problem with it, but what do other people think:-
  Kingsley Amis The King's English 1997: "I still feel that to inscribe alright is gross, crass, coarse and to be avoided, and I now say so. Its interdiction is as pure an example as possible of a rule without a reason, and in my case may well show nothing but how tenacious a hold early training can take."
  Bill Bryson Troublesome Words 1997: "A good case could be made for shortening all right to alright. ... English, however, is a fickle tongue andalright continues to be looked on as illiterate and unacceptable and consequently it ought never to appear in serious writing."
  Robert Burchfield The New Fowler's Modern English Usage 1997: "Alright ... is the demotic form. It is preferred, to judge from the evidence I have assembled, by popular sources like the British magazines The Face ... New Musical Express and Sounds, the American magazine Black World, the Australian journal Southerly, the Socialist Worker, by popular singers ... and hardly ever by writers of standing ... It is commonplace in private correspondence, especially in that of the moderately educated young. Almost all other printed works in Britain and abroad use the more traditional form ... "
  (At which point in there did you first get the urge to smack him?)
  Graham King The Times Writer's Guide 2001: If we accept already, altogetherand almost, why not alright? Although it carries with it the whiff of grammatical illegitimacy it is and has been in common use for a century ..."

English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words. 2014.

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  • all right vs alright —   All right has multiple meanings. It can mean ok, acceptable, unhurt.   The single word spelling alright has never been accepted as standard.   However in a search on Google you ll get around 68,700,000 hits for alright and 163,000,000 for all… …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • all right! — 〈[ɔ:lraıt]〉 = alright …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • all right / alright —    All right is a phrase meaning everything is right : Is all right here?    Alright is a single word meaning OK : All are alright here …   Confused words

  • all right / alright —    All right is a phrase meaning everything is right : Is all right here?    Alright is a single word meaning OK : All are alright here …   Confused words

  • all right — I adjective being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition (Freq. 10) an all right movie the passengers were shaken up but are all right is everything all right? everything s fine things are okay dinner and the …   Useful english dictionary

  • all right —    A sound case could be made for shortening all right to alright, as many informal users of English do already. Many other compounds beginning with all have been contracted without protest for centuries, among them already, almost, altogether,… …   Dictionary of troublesome word

  • all right — is still the preferred way of writing this common expression. The alternative form alright, despite its much higher frequency, is not fully accepted, although there are various arguments in its favour, especially: (1) the need to distinguish it… …   Modern English usage

  • alright, all right — Alright is a common misspelling of all right, an expression with numerous meanings: satisfactory, correct, very well, yes, safe, acceptable. There is no such word as alright …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • all right — all right′ adv. 1) yes; very well: All right, I ll go with you[/ex] 2) (used as an interrogative) do you agree?: We ll meet tomorrow, all right?[/ex] 3) satisfactorily; acceptably: Her work is coming along all right[/ex] 4) without fail;… …   From formal English to slang

  • all right — /ɔl ˈraɪt / (say awl ruyt) adjective 1. in good condition; not harmed, damaged or sick. 2. satisfactory but not outstanding: his work is all right, but not worth a raise. 3. acceptable or permissible: is it all right if I leave early? 4. (of a… …  

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